Spotify (Re)Wrapped

MARCH 2021
Creative Coding
St. Louis, MO
Typefaces: Neue Machina and NeueBit by PangramPangram Foundry, Obviously, Chee, and Beastly by OH no Type Co, and Miratrix by Andy Karter.

    Each Year Spotify drops the infamous Spotify Wrapped collection of data and playlists, custom to each user. People rush to Instagram to post the same boring graphic showing the highlights of their data. To avoid such a monotonous stream of graphics, I wrote a program in Drawbot that would read in people’s wrapped highlights as csv data and output a new IG story graphic. The visual guidelines are tailored to each users’ top genre and minutes listened to. It uses these parameters to draw a story highlighting their top artist and top 5 songs.
  Reach out to me if you’d like to use the code for your own Spotify Wrapped or to make a set of graphics of your own!